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名前: 小川 邦久 リンク: https://kunisan.jp 日付: 2019年7月6日
ENGLISH PHRASAL VERBS IN USE (英語の句動詞)先日の"ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE"で、"phrasal verbs(句動詞)"の理解が弱いと分かったので、これに特化した"ENGLISH PHRASAL VERBS IN USE"という本を購入してみました。同じ出版元(CAMBRIDGE)です。

"ENGLISH PHRASAL VERBS IN USE"も英語中級者向けの本なので、「1週間位でさっと読んでみよう」と思っていたのですが、これに出てくる句動詞の8割程度が見覚えのないもので、さらにそのうちの半分程度は初見で意味が理解できませんでした。語彙力の無さを改めて痛感…。そんな感じで、じっくりと取り組まなければいけないと思い、1週間ではなく1.5ヶ月程かけて勉強していくことにしました。



- Could you chase up Emily's report? She promised it last week but I haven't seen it yet. [chase up = pursue]

- These statistics look strange. Have we slipped up somewhere? [slip up = make a mistake]

- I've had to organize the school fair again this year - I'm not quite sure how that came about. [come about = happened, especially something which is not planned]

- I wish you wouldn't go on about your problems all the time. [go on about = constantly talk about]

- My son has recently taken up collecting coins as a hobby. [take up = start doing a particular job or activity]

- Fans were milling about the hotel lobby hoping to see the film star and get her autograph. [mill about/around/round = walk around a particular place or area, usually while waiting for something]

- The kitchen looked as if it hadn't been cleaned or tidied for months, but Jessica set about making it look as good as new. [set about = start something that uses a lot of time or energy]



英語学習関連記事(リンク一覧): TOEIC L&R TEST 出る単特急金のフレーズとYouGlish / 8か月ぶりのTOEIC L&R(オンラインIP)と今後の対策 / TOEIC L&R IPテスト(オンライン方式) / ENGLISH VOCABULARY IN USE - Pre-intermediate and Intermediate / ENGLISH VOCABULARY IN USE - Upper-Intermediate / ...(記事連続表示)

English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate Book with Answers: Vocabulary Reference and Practice (Vocabulary in Use)
English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate Book with Answers: Vocabulary Reference and Practice (Vocabulary in Use)をAmazon.co.jpでチェック

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