なだ万本店山茶花荘の料理(メニュー)と画像(写真) Nadaman Sazanka-so Tokyo, Japan - Photos of Dishes

Photos of Dishes of Nadaman Sazanka-so in Tokyo, Japan, taken in December 2012

先付: 柚子豆腐、甘海老、岩茸、旨出しゼリー
APPETIZER(Sakiduke): Yuzu citrus flavored tofu and sweet shrimp, thick jelly sauce

前菜: 法蓮草(ほうれんそう)浸し、柿白和え、あん肝ぽん酢、蟹小袖寿司、酢取り茗荷、松かさ慈姑(くわい)、自家製唐墨、むかご黄金揚げ
HORS D'OEVRE(Zensai): Boiled spinach soaked in bonito, mixed persimon and tofu paste, boiled crab meat sushi and myoga, salted mullet roe, fried arrow head and mukago

吸物: 帆立しんじょう、才巻葛打ち、公孫樹(いちょう)玉子、鈴菜、京人参、柚子
SOUP(Suimono): Scallop dumpling, prawn, boiled egg yolk and vegetables

造り: 河豚(ふぐ)薄造り、河豚皮、薬味、ぽん酢、橙
RAW FISH(Tsukuri): Thin-sliced brow fish and skin

合肴(あいざかな): 海老芋掘り、胡桃(くるみ)味噌、銀杏、公孫樹煎餅(いちょうせんべい)
SEASONAL DISH(Aizakana): Steamed Ebi-imo (as taro potato) and tasty miso (walnuts flavor), fried ginkgo nuts and sweet potato

焼物: えぼ鯛柚あん焼、鮑(あわび)ステーキ、伏見唐辛子、菊花蕪(かぶ)
GRILLED DISH(Yakimono): Grilled butterfish and abalone, sweet red pepper and binegared turnip

煮物: 蕪(かぶ)蒸し、蟹身あんかけ、山葵(わさび)
SIMMERED DISH(Nimono): Simmered turnip and crab meat sauce including carrot, cloud ear mushroom and grouper

食事: 栗五目御飯釜炊き
香の物: 盛り合わせ
止椀: 味噌汁
RICE SET(Shokuji): Steamed rice and assorted vegetables (Chest nuts, konnyaku, burdock, carrot and shiitake mushroom), assorted Japanese pickles, miso soup

デザート: パパイヤゼリー寄せ、ココナッツソース、洋梨コンポート、キウイ、苺(いちご)
FRUITS: Papaya and lemon jelly with coconut's sauce, pear, kiwi and strawberry

甘味: 焼薩摩芋(さつまいも)、抹茶
DESSERT: Japanese confectionery served with powdered green tea

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