

単語(英語) 単語(日本語) 英文
absolute temperature 絶対温度 The (a t ) scale starts at a point called absolute zero.
acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度 An object falling toward the ground accelerates as it falls, because of the pull of gravity. The value of (a d t g ) can be determined using the equipment shown in the diagram.
Amplitude 振幅 (A ) is the size of a wave measured from its peak to its rest position.
Atmospheric pressure 大気圧 (A p ) is the pressure exerted by the weight of air particles.
center of gravity 重心 An object's (c o g ) is the point through which its total weight is considered to act.
commutator 電流転換器 A (c ), formed of a metal ring split into two halves, is used to reverse the current direction in the coil every half turn making the motion of the coil continuous.
condensing 凝固 The change from a gas to liquid is called (c ) and the change from a liquid to a solid is called freezing.
constant velocity 等速度 An object whose velocity does not change is said to have a (c v ).
convection 対流 The most efficient way of transferring heat in liquids and gases is by (c ).
converging lenses, diverging lenses 凸レンズ、凹レンズ There are two main types of lens: (c l ) which have outward curving surfaces, and (d l ) which have inward curving surfaces.
coulombs クーロン The magnitude of the electric charge on an object is measured in (c ).
critical angle 臨界角 If a light ray emerging from glass into air skims along the surface of the glass, its angle of incidence is called the (c a ).
diffraction 回折 (D ) occurs when waves bend around a barrier or spread out after passing through a gap.
ear drum 鼓膜 Sound waves travel down the ear canal to the (e d ).
elastic 弾性の If its molecules return to their original position, the distortion is called (e ).
elastic limit 弾性限界 If the substance is stretched further than this point, it reaches its (e l ).
electromagnetic induction 電磁誘導 If the wire forms a circuit, the e.m.f. causes a current to flow. This effect is called (e i ).
electromagnetism 電磁気 When an electric current flows in a conductor it produces a magnetic field. This effect is called (e ).
electromagnets 電磁石 The electromagnetic effect is used to make powerful magnets called (e ).
electromotive force 起電力 If a conductor wire is moved in a magnetic field so that it cuts through the magnetic field lines, an (e f ) is induced in the wire.
energy conversion エネルギー変換 When energy changes from one form to another it is called (e c ).
equilibrium 均衡 If an object is in (e ) (or balanced), the sum of the clockwise moments about any point is equal to the sum of the anticlockwise moments about the same point.
ferromagnetic 強磁性の Material which react in this way are called (f ).
field The region in which the force act is called a (f ).
focus length 焦点距離 The (f l ) is the distance from the optical center to the principal focus.
force A (f ) is a push or a pull which can affect the motion of an object by changing its speed or direction.
Frequency 周波数 (F ) is the number of complete waves made in one second.
Friction 摩擦 (F ) is the force which resists the motion of two materials rubbing together.
fulcrum 支点 If an object is fixed at a point around which it may rotate, the point is called the (f ).
galvanometer 検流計 (G ) measures electric current. They contain moving coil which turns when a current flows through it.
gradient 傾き The (g ) shows the rate of change of the quantity plotted on the x-axis.
Gravitational Potential energy 位置エネルギー (G p e ) is an example of potential energy. It is the energy an object has because of its position above the earth.
incident ray 入射光 The (i r ) is the light ray before reflection.
induction 誘導 The two main way of producing electric charge are by friction and (i ).
Kinetic energy 運動エネルギー (K e ) is the energy possessed by any object because it is moving.
load 荷重 The force moved by an effort is called the (l ).
long-sighted 遠視の A (l ) person has difficulty focusing on close objects because the light rays are focused behind the retina.
magnetic induction 磁気誘導 If materials such as cobalt, nickel or iron are put near a magnet they begin to act like magnets. This is called (m i ).
mercury barometer 水銀気圧計 The column of mercury in a (m b ) is pushed up the glass tube by air pressure.
moment モーメント This turning effect is called a (m ). This is written: (M ) = force x distance from fulcrum.
momentum 運動量 The (m ) of an object is its mass multiplied by its velocity.
normal 法線 The (n ) is a line at right angles to the mirror's surface at the point where the light ray hits the mirror.
north pole N極 The end which points north is called the (n p ).
parallel 並列 A (p ) circuit has more than one path for the current.
penumbra 半影 If the source of light is large, a shadow with blurred edges, called a (p ), is formed around the umbra.
Period 周期 (P ) is the time take for one wave motion to be completed.
plastic 塑性の If the object remains distorted when the force is removed, its distortion is called (p ).
principal focus 焦点 The (p f ) is the point at which all rays traveling parallel to the principal axis intersect after refraction.
pulley 滑車 A (p ) is a machine made up of one or more wheels and a rope, belt or chain.
pupil 瞳孔 The colored iris contains a hole called the (p ).
real object 実像 A (r i ) is formed when rays from an object actually pass through the image, as in the pinhole camera.
rectification 整流 Diodes can be used to change a.c. to d.c. in a process called (r ).
reflected ray 反射光 The (r r ) is the light ray after reflection.
Refraction 屈折 (R ) is the change in the direction of a wave as it passes from one medium to another.
retina 網膜 Light rays are refracted by the cornea and the lens to form an image on the (r ).
rheostats 加減抵抗器 Variable resistors are called (r ).
scalar 数字 A (s ) quantity is one which has magnitude only.
series 直列 A (s ) circuit has a single path for the current.
short-sighted 近眼の A (s ) person has difficulty focusing on distant objects because the light rays are focused in front of the retina.
solenoid ソレノイド A (s ) is a cylindrical coil of insulated wire.
south pole S極 The end which points south is called the (s p ).
transformers 変圧器 (T ) are used to change the size of a voltage.
Trough (波の)谷 (T ) - points of maximum negative displacement.
umbra 本影 If light rays from a small source hit an object in their path, a sharp edged shadow or (u ) is formed.
uniform acceleration 等加速度 An object whose velocity is changing by the same amount in equal periods of time is said to be moving with (u a ).
vector ベクトル A (v ) quantity is one which has both direction and magnitude.
virtual image 虚像 A (v i ) is formed when, for example, light rays from an object placed in front of a mirror are reflected into the human eye.
Wavelength 波長 (W ) is the length of one wave measured between two identical points in the wave's motion (for example, two consecutive peaks).
x-axis X軸 Draw two axes. Along the (x-a ) plot the quantity which is varied during an experiment.
y-axis Y軸 Along (y-a ) plot the quantity which changes as a result.


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