映画『キャッチ・ミー・イフ・ユー・キャン(Catch Me If You Can)』の英語学習帳



番号 本文 英単語 日本語 備考
1) He's made a career out of being the most (XXX) impostor that we've ever come across on this show. outrageous 法外な、とっぴな、とんでもない Chapter1
2) He's made a career out of being the most outrageous (XXX) that we've ever come across on this show. impostor 詐欺師 Chapter1
3) From 1964 to1967, I successfully (XXX) an airline pilot for Pan Am Airways. impersonated 扮する、まねる Chapter1
4) During that time, I was also the chief resident (XXX) at a Georgia hospital. pediatrician 小児科医 Chapter1
5) I had cashed almost $4 million in (XXX) checks in 24 foreign countries and all 50 states. fraudulent 詐欺の Chapter1
6) Why didn't you go in for a (XXX) profession? legitimate 合法の Chapter1
7) I'm here to read the articles of (XXX) according to European Court for Human Rights. extradition 外国犯人の引渡し Chapter2
8) You don't think actually you can (XXX) me, do you? fool ばかにする、だます Chapter2
9) We've only seen a handful of deserving gentlemen (XXX) as lifetime members. inducted 就任させる、入れる Chapter2
10) It's an honor that uh, that has seen 57 names (XXX) on the wall of honor, and tonight, we make it 58. enshrined (心に)秘める、安置する Chapter2
11) I stand here (XXX) by the presence of Mayer Robert Wagner. humbled 謙遜する、かしこまる Chapter2
12) He struggled so hard that eventually he (XXX) that cream into butter. churned 激しくかき回す Chapter2
13) So they (XXX) 200 soldiers into that tiny social hall. crammed 無理やり押し込む Chapter3
14) Blonde (XXX). bombshell 爆弾、魅力的な女性 Chapter3
15) There's a funeral this afternoon, military funeral planes flying overhead, 21-gun (XXX). salute 礼砲 Chapter3
16) Don't hit the (XXX). curb コンクリートの縁石 Chapter3
17) We don't usually loan money to people who have unresolved business with the (XXX). IRS 内国歳入庁 Chapter3
18) Sir, you're being investigated by the government for (XXX). tax fraud 脱税 Chapter3
19) A shoe sales man at a (XXX) farm? centipede ムカデ Chapter3
20) You selling (XXX)? encyclopedias 百科事典 Chapter4
21) They said they needed a (XXX) for Roberta. sub 代理 Chapter4
22) Yeah, but there's no (XXX) in the paper. crease 折り目、シワ Chapter4
23) It's very, uh, uh, (XXX), Paula? spacious 広々とした Chapter4
24) This is important because it states who you've gonna live with after the divorce whose (XXX) you will be in. custody 保護、管理 Chapter5
25) This is the checks that (XXX). bounced 不払いとして戻ってくる Chapter6
26) Did you say $300 for (XXX) check? payroll 給料支払簿 Chapter7
27) Are you my (XXX) to Miami? deadhead (優待券などでの)無賃乗客 Chapter8
28) Which one's the (XXX) again? jumpseat (自動車、飛行機などの)折りたたみ式の飛び出し補助席 Chapter8
29) You turning around on the (XXX)? redeye 夜間飛行便 Chapter8
30) Uh, I'm jumping puddles for the next few months trying to earn my keep running leapfrogs for the weak and (XXX). weary 疲れた、うんざり Chapter8
31) Our next item for bid is also the Jersey Central Bank (XXX). foreclosure 担保物の受け戻し権喪失, 質[抵当]流れ Chapter9
32) Our unknown subject is a (XXX) who started working on the East Coast. paperhanger 壁紙張り職人 Chapter9
33) In the last few weeks, this (XXX) has developed a new form of check fraud which I'm calling "the float". unsub 実証されていないもの、人 Chapter9
34) This (XXX) doesn't work. carousel 回転式コンベア、メリーゴーランド Chapter9
35) The central brunch is zero-seven, zero-eight so on, (XXX). so forth などなど Chapter9
36) They (XXX) you when you're down. hit 打撃を与える Chapter9
37) I wasn't going to let them take it from me, so I just shut the doors myself, (XXX) their bluff. called 中止させる Chapter9
38) I wasn't going to let them take it from me, so I just shut the doors myself, called their (XXX). bluff おどし Chapter9
39) Some place (XXX)? exotic 異国情緒の Chapter9
40) They got a suitcase filled with bank robbery (XXX). loot 戦利品、略奪品 Chapter10
41) If you were having so much fun (XXX), why did you transfer to bank fraud? undercover 秘密に行う、諜報活動に従事する Chapter10
42) I was (XXX) and reassigned. censured 非難する Chapter10
43) I audited background investigations of Department of Justice (XXX) applications. clerical 事務、書記 Chapter10
44) Come on, I'll (XXX) you right now. race ~と競争する Chapter10
45) "(XXX) the back"? eyeball じろじろ見つめる Chapter10
46) He's (XXX) in government checks here. dabbling ~をちょっとやってみる、道楽半分に手を出す。 Chapter10
47) Let me see some (XXX). credentials 証明書、委任状 Chapter10
48) Five minutes earlier, you would've (XXX) yourself a pretty good collar. landed 魚などを引き上げる、獲得する Chapter10
49) Five minutes earlier, you would've landed yourself a pretty good (XXX). collar 逮捕、首枷 Chapter10
50) Ah, some nut that's flying around the country (XXX) as a Pan Am pilot. posing 見せかける、ポーズを見せる Chapter11
51) He buys a (XXX) of cards at the hotel gift shop. deck (トランプのカードの)一組 Chapter11
52) I've been trying to (XXX) you down now for last couple of hours, track 突き止める、探知する Chapter12
53) We (XXX) your hotel. barge into ~に割り込む、口出しする Chapter12
54) Now, I want you to contact NYPD for every all-point juvenile (XXX) in New York City. runaways 家出少年 Chapter12
55) He's been (XXX) checks all over the country. kiting (空手形で)金を作る Chapter12
56) What he did was a (XXX), Mrs. Barnes. felony 重罪 Chapter12
57) Your son is (XXX) checks. forging 偽造する Chapter12
58) It's (XXX). reel-to-reel (ステレオが)リール式 Chapter13
59) Lance just fell into the conversation (XXX). pit 一階席 Chapter13
60) Don't stand there crying, just (XXX) your head. nod うなずく Chapter13
61) Mr.Applebaum (XXX) his ankle. fractured 砕ける、骨折する Chapter13
62) The only thing I need is an emergency room supervisor for my midnight to 8:00 am shift, someone to baby-sit six (XXX) and 20 nurses. interns 医学研修生、病院住み込みの医師 Chapter13
63) You gonna take (XXX) every night? roll 出席簿 Chapter13
64) Do you (XXX)? concur 意見が一致する Chapter13
65) Fractured (XXX) about five inches below the patella. tibia 頚骨(けいこつ=すねの内側の細長い骨) Chapter13
66) Why not try my hand at (XXX)? pediatrics 小児科の Chapter14
67) Was that (XXX) Hollingsworth still teaching there when you went through Berkley? snake 冷酷な人、陰険な人 Chapter14
68) I must confess, I'm guilty of the same foolish (XXX). whimsy 気まぐれ、物好き Chapter14
69) What would I have to do to take (XXX) here in New Orleans. the bar 法曹界、法廷、(法廷と一般席との境となる)手すり Chapter14
70) Now, here is an enlargement of that same signature which matches the signature on the letters that he wrote to Mrs.Simon which discuss the possibility of (XXX) the great state of Louisiana. defrauding 騙し取る、搾取する Chapter14
71) This is (XXX) evidence that the defendant is, in fact, lying. irrefutable 反駁できない Chapter14
72) Mr.Conners, this is a (XXX) hearing. preliminary 予備的な、準備の Chapter14
73) They ate the cake, now they want the (XXX). crumbs (パンなどの)くず、パン粉 Chapter15
74) I want to call a (XXX). truce 停戦、中断 Chapter15
75) Let's have, uh, periodic (XXX) of the men's lav. sweeps さっと見ること Chapter17
76) They didn't call 'cause it's not (XXX). counterfeiting 偽造する Chapter18
77) Frank Abagnale surrendered (XXX). of his own account 自分で、ひとりでに Chapter18
78) I'll have you (XXX) back to the United States. extradited (外国からの逃亡犯などを)送還する Chapter18
79) Taking into account the gravity of these crimes, your history of bold and (XXX) behavior and your complete lack of respect for the laws of the United States, I have no choice but to ignore your request to be treated as a minor, and sentence you to 12 years in Atlanta's maximum security prison and recommend strongly that you be kept in isolation for the entirety of that sentence. elusive 巧みに逃げを打つ、うまく逃れる Chapter19
80) Taking into account the gravity of these crimes, your history of bold and elusive behavior and your complete lack of respect for the laws of the United States, I have no choice but to ignore your request to be treated as a (XXX), and sentence you to 12 years in Atlanta's maximum security prison and recommend strongly that you be kept in isolation for the entirety of that sentence. minor 未成年者 Chapter19
81) I got a (XXX) that he drew on the Great Lakes Savings and Loan. counterfeit 偽造物 Chapter20
82) Well, there's no (XXX) edge, right. perforated ミシン目のある Chapter20
83) I mean, this … check was hand-cut, not (XXX). fed 機械で送られる Chapter20
84) There's (XXX) on every line. impressions 刻印 Chapter21


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