映画『メラニーは行く!(Sweet Home Alabama)』の英語学習帳


メラニーは行く! 特別版
メラニーは行く! 特別版

番号 本文 英単語 日本語 備考
1) Not that way, you (XXX)! dolt うすのろ Chapter1
2) This top is supposed to be neon (XXX). aubergine なす色 Chapter1
3) The third light (XXX) is yellow. She'll look eggplant. cue キュー Chapter1
4) Our design's for plumes and pearls, and nothing is going to come between me and my (XXX). protege 子分 Chapter1
5) Seven years ago, you were this (XXX) off the plantation. debutante 初めて表舞台に立つ女性のこと Chapter1
6) Please tell me he has a (XXX) somewhere. flaw 欠点 Chapter1
7) No smiles, just (XXX). smirks 得意そうににやりと笑うこと Chapter1
8) Those flowers were (XXX). insane 正気でない Chapter1
9) Maybe they'll disappear into a (XXX). pothole (舗装道路などの)くぼみ Chapter2
10) Look at you, always the (XXX) of the ball. belle (ある場所での)一番美しい女 Chapter2
11) I'd (XXX) my bloody eyes out. bawl どなりつける Chapter2
12) You dumb, stubborn, (XXX) hick. redneck 米南部の無教育の白人労働者に対する差別語 Chapter2
13) You dumb, stubborn, redneck (XXX). hick いなか者 Chapter2
14) You've turned into some (XXX) Yankee bitch. hoity-toity 横柄な、気取った Chapter2
15) That's (XXX). harsh 不快な Chapter2
16) I got to (XXX) pretty little things like you all day. frisk (警官などが)体を服の上から撫でて隠した武器などを探す Chapter2
17) You remember that vandalism out at the (XXX). stockyard 家畜置き場 Chapter2
18) Of course, I call people while I'm doing the dishes or (XXX) peas. shelling (まめなどの)殻を取る Chapter3
19) What, are you a (XXX)? clairvoyant 千里眼の人 Chapter3
20) Do you want me to (XXX) you chicken-fried steak? reheat (冷めたものを)温める Chapter3
21) Why don't you get us that (XXX) cake out the icebox? baloney ボローニャソーセージ Chapter3
22) I know all about the (XXX) in your henhouse. cocks おんどり Chapter3
23) I know all about the cocks in your (XXX). henhouse 鶏小屋 Chapter3
24) You sure do know how to make a girl (XXX). blush 顔を赤く赤らめる Chapter3
25) Oh, I (XXX) a few things today. stumbled across ~に偶然出会う Chapter4
26) I'm thinking the words "joint checking" are (XXX) in your head right now. flashing 頭に急によみがえる Chapter4
27) Nobody finds (XXX) when they're 10 years old. soul mate 気性の合った人、愛人 Chapter4
28) (XXX) down the hatches, boys! Batten 小割板を張る Chapter4
29) If you can't find a cue, just pull the one (XXX) up her ass. shoved 押す、突く Chapter4
30) You can take the girl out of the (XXX), but you can't take the honky-tonk out of the girl. honky-tonk 騒々しい安酒場(キャバレーなど) Chapter4
31) I would be unhappy, too, if "Women's Wear Daily" called me "less than (XXX)". mediocre 並みの、二流以下 Chapter4
32) Saves me from (XXX) a lot of checks. bouncing 不払いとして戻ってくる Chapter5
33) I am so sorry I (XXX) you. outed 公にする Chapter5
34) I can't find the (XXX). fuse 導火線 Chapter5
35) Okay, but just a (XXX). peek ちらっとのぞく Chapter6
36) I bet you slid down this (XXX) a time or two. banister (階段の)手すり Chapter6
37) It does (XXX) off the tongue a little sweeter, doesn't it? roll (舌などを滑らかに)動かす Chapter6
38) They tried to destroy our metal-forming capabilities by placing barrels of (XXX) underneath the anvils. powder 火薬 Chapter6
39) They tried to destroy our metal-forming capabilities by placing barrels of powder underneath the (XXX). anvils 鉄床(かなとこ) Chapter6
40) He doesn't know I know, but Clinton let it (XXX) once. slip 思わず(秘密などを)もらす Chapter6
41) He realized (XXX) he'd need more than an apology to win you back. straight off すぐに Chapter6
42) Mel would like to know where she can find some of that (XXX) glass. snooty-faluty 気取った Chapter7
43) You're all (XXX) and all. spiffed up こぎれいにする Chapter7
44) I ain't as (XXX) as I look. clumsy 不器用な、ぎこちない Chapter7
45) What do you say we drive out to Fairview and (XXX). bowl ボーリングする Chapter7
46) I see those big (XXX) rolling in. thunderheads 入道雲、積乱雲 Chapter7
47) Don't (XXX) me. sass 生意気な口をきく Chapter8
48) Don't you dare sass me, 'cause I have (XXX) an awful lot from you over the years. put up with 我慢する Chapter8
49) This boy is (XXX). quicksand 河岸や河口でその上に載った重いものを吸い込む厚い砂床(つかまりやすい) Chapter8
50) 5th (XXX)? Regiment 連隊 Chapter8
51) The minute, the (XXX) died. Confederacy 連合、同盟 Chapter8
52) Well, (XXX), anyway, She was 10. notorious 悪名高い Chapter8
53) So Eldon thought it'd be put in one of these (XXX), the ones that suck their lungs out. chambers 部屋(安楽死のために窒素死させる部屋) Chapter8
54) He probably (XXX) loose. wriggled 体をくねらせる Chapter8
55) People still see him from time to time, (XXX) tail and all. scorched 焦げた、焼けた Chapter8
56) He's a little (XXX) around humans. skittish 物怖じする Chapter8
57) Anyway, spoiled is the eye of the (XXX) like these plums here. beholder 見る人 Chapter8
58) He sure does have a (XXX) for the dramatic. flair 鋭い嗅覚 Chapter9
59) Woman, what the hell you (XXX) about? gassing (むだ話)話をする Chapter9
60) My mother happens to be the mayor up there, and she'd like nothing better than a big, (XXX) New York wedding. snazzy しゃれた、粋な Chapter9
61) I'm going to assume that was a (XXX) question. rhetorical 修辞的な、誇張した、美辞麗句の Chapter9
62) You guys remember the (XXX). sheik イスラム教国の首長 Chapter9
63) I can see why Melanie is so (XXX). adorable 惚れ惚れするような、かわいらしい、崇拝すべき Chapter10
64) I've been trying to get Earl to (XXX) these shrubberies and repaint the trim. weed 雑草を取り除く Chapter10
65) I've been trying to get Earl to weed these (XXX) and repaint the trim. shrubberies 低木の植え込み Chapter10
66) Oh, (XXX), hurry up before he changes his mind. preacher 説教者、伝道者 Chapter10
67) Well, even if he is a Yankee, at least he's (XXX). sober しらふの、真面目な Chapter10
68) Can we fix it before we all get (XXX)! soaked 水に浸される、ずぶぬれになる Chapter10
69) In my entire life, I have never met anyone so (XXX), so deceitful! manipulative 巧みに扱う(形容詞) Chapter10
70) In my entire life, I have never met anyone so manipulative, so (XXX)! deceitful 詐欺の、ぺてんの Chapter10
71) I will not allow the future President of the United States to be dumped at the (XXX) by some psycho Daisy Mae! altar (教会堂の)祭壇 Chapter10


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