映画『ローマの休日(Roman Holiday)』の英語学習帳



番号 本文 英単語 日本語 備考
1) The first step on her much (XXX) goodwill tour of European capitals. publicized 宣伝する、好評する Chapter2
2) The first step on her much publicized (XXX) tour of European capitals. goodwill 親善 Chapter2
3) I (XXX) to say I did not. rejoice ~して喜ぶ Chapter3
4) Everything we do is (XXX). wholesome 健康によい Chapter3
5) 10.55, the new Founding Home for (XXX). orphans 孤児 Chapter3
6) 3.05, presentation of a (XXX). plaque 額縁 Chapter3
7) "If I were dead and buried and I heard your voice, beneath the (XXX) my heart of dust would still rejoice." sod Chapter5
8) Can I have a silk nightgown with (XXX) on it? redbuds ばらのつぼみ Chapter6
9) I'm afraid you'll have to (XXX) it tonight in these. rough ~の荒仕上げをする Chapter6
10) You've already (XXX) it. recited 暗唱する Chapter6
11) You have my permission to (XXX). withdraw 退出 Chapter6
12) I must remind you that the princess is the direct heir to the (XXX). throne 王位 Chapter6
13) Have I your (XXX)? pledge 約束 Chapter6
14) (XXX)!! screwball 変人、奇人 Chapter6
15) That was (XXX) observation. shrewd 鋭い Chapter7
16) (XXX) the fact you just left her. In view of ~の点から見て Chapter7
17) If you ever got up and read a morning paper, you might discover little events, little items of general interest, that might stop you getting (XXX) in such a gold-plated, triple-decked, star-spangled lie as you have just told me. immersed 没頭する Chapter7
18) If you ever got up and read a morning paper, you might discover little events, little items of general interest, that might stop you getting immersed in such a (XXX), triple-decked, star-spangled lie as you have just told me. gold-plated 金めっきの Chapter7
19) If you ever got up and read a morning paper, you might discover little events, little items of general interest, that might stop you getting immersed in such a gold-plated, (XXX), star-spangled lie as you have just told me. triple-decked 3階建ての Chapter7
20) If you ever got up and read a morning paper, you might discover little events, little items of general interest, that might stop you getting immersed in such a gold-plated, triple-decked, (XXX) lie as you have just told me. star-spangled 星をちりばめた Chapter7
21) What would a real interview with this (XXX) be worth? dame 婦人 Chapter7
22) The private and secret (XXX) of a princess. longings 切望、熱望 Chapter7
23) Her (XXX) thoughts, as revealed to your own correspondent, in a private personal exclusive interview. innermost 最も深い部分 Chapter7
24) Love (XXX) too, I suppose. angle 見地 Chapter7
25) That particular story would be worth five (XXX) to any new service. grand Chapter7
26) But tell me, Mr.Bradley, if you are (XXX), how you are going to obtain this fantastic interview. sober しらふの、酒を飲んでいない Chapter7
27) Go on, I love to hear you (XXX). whine すすり泣きの声 Chapter7
28) When I'm back in a real newsroom, I'll think of you sitting here with a empty leash and nobody to (XXX) for you. twitch ぐいっと引く Chapter7
29) I'll (XXX) a bath for you. run (液体などを)流す Chapter8
30) Give me a little (XXX), will you? slack ゆるみ、たるみ Chapter9
31) Joe, I'm (XXX) in my work. up to my ears 身動きできないで Chapter9
32) I can give you a (XXX) on each apartment. commentary 論評 Chapter9
33) They'll have a (XXX). fit ひきつけ、気絶 Chapter12
34) It's a (XXX). pact 協定、条約、約束 Chapter12
35) Hey, did anybody ever tell you you're dear (XXX) for ... ringer 非常に良く似ている人、替え玉 Chapter12
36) You're (XXX), you know. twisting my arm 人に無理を強いる Chapter12
37) Where did you find this (XXX). loony 狂人 Chapter12
38) A bad (XXX) ... sprain 捻挫 Chapter12
39) The princess (XXX). goes slumming 貧民街を訪れる Chapter12
40) There, the (XXX) works. gismo 機械、仕掛け Chapter12
41) Well, what's the (XXX), OK? verdict 意見、判決 Chapter12
42) What a (XXX) idea. horrid 恐ろしい Chapter14
43) What do they mean, all these (XXX)? inscriptions 刻むこと、銘刻 Chapter14
44) It started during war, in an air (XXX). raid 奇襲、空襲 Chapter14
45) Later, he came back and put up the first (XXX). tablet 平板 Chapter14
46) People come, and their wishes are granted, they put up another (XXX). plaque 銘版、額 Chapter14
47) I was (XXX). indisposed 気分が悪い、~する気が無い Chapter17
48) The princess (XXX). exclusive 独占記事 Chapter17
49) Who's (XXX)? holding out 手元にとどめておく Chapter17
50) About a (XXX) down by the river, and the arrest of eight secret service men from a certain country. shindig 舞踏会 Chapter17
51) It all (XXX). adds up 計算が合う Chapter17
52) Just some of Irving's (XXX). dames 女性 Chapter17
53) (XXX) that, then follow up with the wishes. Lead off with ~で始める Chapter17
54) I got a (XXX) for you. topper 佳作 Chapter17


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